Dear Fellow Asia Visionaries...
What a joy it is to collaborate as co-workers in Christ. He is building His Church, connecting believers from every walk of life! Their profession of Faith is in Christ. They share the vision that the Holy Spirit is giving to them. The momentum is not of the flesh but of God's Spirit.
Sometimes on the Asia tour, it was just too overwhelming, the magnitude of what God was and continues to do. Not a single report or picture can truly capture just how much is happening! We are given a glimpse through a pin-hole-sized window into the work that God is preparing in Asia. Over 60% of Asia is unreached! But before we can reach the unreached, we need to have a strong place to launch from. Men, women and children who are equipped with Godly training, full of God's Holy Spirit, humble and united in vision.
This was part of what we wanted to see among the various believers in India, Cambodia and The Philippines. Not only in these nations but connections with new countries like Vietnam, Thailand and Australia have slowly started to broaden our horizons.
We need you to jump on board and join us in the collaborative network. The work is far too big for one person, or a small team such as ours. Your prayers and offerings may feel very small. That is okay because God used five-loaves-and-two-fishes to feed a multitude. It isn't about how much we give but with the obedience and heart in which it is given. Obedience and the right spirit can change circumstances that are impossible for man to achieve.