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Theme: Psalm 148: 13-14 NLT

“Let them all praise the name of the LORD. For his name is very great; his glory towers over the earth and heaven! He has made his people strong, honouring his faithful ones— the people of Israel who are close to him. Praise the LORD!” 

Collaboration for God's Kingdom

Dear Fellow Asia Visionaries...

What a joy it is to collaborate as co-workers in Christ. He is building His Church, connecting believers from every walk of life! Their profession of Faith is in Christ. They share the vision that the Holy Spirit is giving to them. The momentum is not of the flesh but of God's Spirit. 

Sometimes on the Asia tour, it was just too overwhelming, the magnitude of what God was and continues to do. Not a single report or picture can truly capture just how much is happening! We are given a glimpse through a pin-hole-sized window into the work that God is preparing in Asia. Over 60% of Asia is unreached! But before we can reach the unreached, we need to have a strong place to launch from. Men, women and children who are equipped with Godly training, full of God's Holy Spirit, humble and united in vision.

This was part of what we wanted to see among the various believers in India, Cambodia and The Philippines. Not only in these nations but connections with new countries like Vietnam, Thailand and Australia have slowly started to broaden our horizons. 

We need you to jump on board and join us in the collaborative network. The work is far too big for one person, or a small team such as ours. Your prayers and offerings may feel very small. That is okay because God used five-loaves-and-two-fishes to feed a multitude. It isn't about how much we give but with the obedience and heart in which it is given. Obedience and the right spirit can change circumstances that are impossible for man to achieve. 

Some of the projects running that need prayers for funding:

The reality is there isn't enough in ASIA VISION accounts to support the key people that God is bringing on our path... SO WE NEED YOUR PRAYERS. We serve a God who is able to do exceedingly and above what we may think or ask (Ephesians 3:20-21)... Let's give you an Ideas of some the challenges that need your prayers...

Ps Joe and Ps Virigie Ket-eng (seen in the picture above) have a building project in a resettlement area. It is a multi-purpose centre that could make such a difference. It will serve the community and act as a church space. They will be running a sustainable coffee plantation to help maintain the project in the future.

This church is headed up by Ps Joel & Ps Susan Isang in Paniqui. One of several major projects they have undertaken. This church is situated on farmland (for maize, I think). They have to close during the typhoon season as it floods the lands and the places rains in. They need to build a multi-purpose centre that can serve this poor community.

Ps Pablo (a new brother on the scene - and an amazing man) needs to renovate a beautiful multi-purpose centre. He has teamed up with the amazing Ps Cecille Luguyo - as they are already involved in training churches from various towns and cities. They have such a vision for collaboration just like us. (See photo above)

Ps Danny & Ps Ralyn Sumayao are in Cervantes - they have a thriving church and have started building a mission facility to turn their church into a true multi-purpose centre. They do not get an income from the church. They work on farmlands so they can build the mission facility in phases from their own pockets. (See above, we are standing with some from their youth group)

Ps Lois Amber from India is working together with an advocate to trace the owners of this abandoned resort grounds. She is hoping to purchase it as a new premises from a place of hope and develop it into camping grounds for young people (something unheard of in India). It will also produce a sustainable income during the peak seasons as it is on the beach. (See above picture)

Ps Sophin & Thav Vannarath (See above picture) from Cambodia need to complete their multipurpose building and church premises to serve the community they are working in. Churches are few in Cambodia. In Battambang, it is no exception. The Ps works together with his wife to try to build the facility from their own pockets.

Ps Ptr Alisa from Thailand has a dream to establish many Churches in Thailand. This country has few Christians and is very much unreached. She works on her own steam to raise the funds to finalise her doctorate at the Asia Pacific Theological Seminary and accomplish the vision God has placed on her heart. With the right resources, she would be a dynamic and powerful in Thailand. She is a new connection. (In the picture above she is with Ps Mercy McAnnoque at the team meeting in Baguio)

Ps Perlito & Ps Rose Gatmen hope to acquire 5 hectares of property to develop a self-sustaining hub of farming, entrepreneurship, skills development, and training. One of the exciting things observed was the successful implementation of a large pilot project in Hydroponics which they will probably add to scale on the future 5-hectare property. They also hope to build a multipurpose property for the use of the church.

Ps Proh and Ps Srih run an 80-student English school out of their home. It is small and challenging. A property has been purchased and it is semi-developed. BUT to turn it into a sustainable school with a tea and coffee bar in the small town they are in requires capital! These are beautiful children of God!

This church is rented on local farmland - across the road from one of the earliest home churches started with Ps Ludivico & Lorena Niturada, in the days of the missionary couple Mr & Mrs Conradie. The owner of the property refuses to sign a contract with the church. Despite this, they have done some major upgrades to make the building usable for human beings. The reality is they need a multi-purpose centre that they can call their own without the risk of being evicted at a moment's notice. (In the picture above, Ps Ludivico & Lorena Niturada have been facilitating this group and encouraging them to think with a bigger vision. Ludi & Lorena work with many Kingdom workers and are an asset to King Jesus!)

Ps Jonathan Libag is doing amazing work in Agricultural Missions. He runs a seed bank together with Ps Nector Copero - as a pilot project to inspire others to be sustainable in their villages. He also grows seedlings to distribute among those he trains to help them with a "start-up" community garden. They are developing an Agricultural centre but it needs the necessary financial resources to truly finalize it. They have half-finished greenhouses which are necessary if they are to expand.

Ps Eleanor Sebiano (Ely) started to initiate building plans for the AGAPE DREAM CENTRE for children. Initially, they were all set until government laws changed for youth centres and kindergarten properties which require the addition of sports facilities. Without the facilities added to the dream centre, the project cannot go through. The plans have been put in motion and land was secured for this endeavor - but the funding has pushed her beyond her budget! She gets a small salary from her employer but that is the only personal funds she gets! She needs a miracle to initiate this project into the sustainable dream she has envisioned.

Remember us in your Prayers:


Please pray for all these matters you have read in this letter. So many people need our love, support, and prayers. They are short of resources and they are challenged in many ways. However, they look to the Lord to provide the answers, and they trust that believers like you would provide the prayers and share the burden by telling others of this work!

Pray for the Kingdom Work in Asia:
We have the prayer Calendar for April available. Please feel free to download this convenient and large format for phones and computers.
Download here
If you missed the March prayer calendar - no problem. Feel free to download it here now... In large format for phones and computers.
Download here
Pray Focus - Unreached Peoples in Israel
Support Asia Vision Network Partners!

Today you read about some of the partners we support in various Asian countries. Sixty percent of Asia is unreached with the Kingdom message. Our network partners work very hard to reach the unreached and their communities. Consider making a monthly contribution of R100. Each contribution helps our partners who often work with little financial support in very poor communities!

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ASIA VISION is an initiative of MISSION: ASIA 2000 TRUST in SOUTH AFRICA registration numbers NPO 153-872 / PBO 930 052 139

Trustees: Dr Tommie Jooste, Bessie Kruger, Marietjie Pretorius.

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